Embrace the Rainbow: The investment case for LGBT fund managers and startups

Adaptability and innovation are a recipe for success in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship. For LGBT folks, these two words are deeply ingrained in our DNA. 

Many of us have had to adapt to a world where we were told we didn’t belong. We were unwilling disruptors, forced to think outside the box and create innovative solutions for our community’s survival. Successful founders are the same. With their disruptive ideas and groundbreaking solutions, startups fuel economic growth and drive societal progress. 

These success drivers make investments in enterprises that can draw talent from the LGBT community attractive targets for investment. And the growing cohort of LGBTQ fund managers are best positioned to identify, support, and grow such startups. 

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The Business Gay Podcast speaks with Founding Partner at Chasing Rainbows, Ben Stokes.


LGBTQ Nation: Meet the venture capitalists investing in the LGBTQ+ community